International Conference on Science, Technology and Engineering


(ICSTES, 2020)

27th -28th June, 2020


Asian Institute of Technology 

Pathumthani Thailand

Aim and Scope

The objective of International Conference on Science, Technology and Engineering Sciences is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in  respective field will be held in  on 27th-28th June 2020.

This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.

The ICSTES Conference Proceedings will be published in SCOPUS INDEX JOURNAL.

Subject Area: The conference Covered all Engineering including Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc...

Registration Fees: (which include cost of lunches, refreshments & conference kit) 

Faculty:  US $ 750 ( for foreign participants) 

Research Scholars and Students: US $ 550 ( for foreign participants)

(Proof must be submitted along with the Registration Form)

Accommodation: Conference Organizer is not responsible for accommodation for the participants. They have to arrange accommodation themselves. However, if any participant wants us to arrange accommodation then we can book the hotel for him near to the conference place but participant has to inform us 1 month before conference date. The payment will be informed to him according to the choice to room.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission (Full Page)      Before  15th April , 2020

Registration Deadline                    Before  30th  April , 2020

One Best Presenter award will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Best Presenter award will be awarded during presentation session on 28th June 2020.


Invited Special Talks 

Special Talks are invited for ICETES

 2020 on various topics of 

 Science, Technology and Engineering Sciences

. All the interested participants can send the Abstract of the Talk directly to 


Invited Session Proposal


Invited session proposals are solicited for the (ICETES 2020), to be held June, 27th-28th 2020.  Proposals for Invited sessions must reach the Conference Organizer of the Technical Program Committee at least 2 months prior to the conference.  

Each proposal should include


·         Chair and Co-Chair (if applicable) names and institutional affiliations

·         Session title

·         Brief description of session

·         List of Presenters ( minimum 7 articles in one session)

·         Contact Information

·         Keywords

All proposals should be submitted at